Success after recurrent chemical pregnancies

I wanted to post about my success after having recurrent chemical pregnancies.  All this info is in the blog, but if you are visiting here for the first time, I wanted you to find this information easily.  I do recommend that you read the other posts in this blog for much more detailed information, but here is a summary of what ultimately worked for me.  Perhaps it can be a jumping off point for a discussion with you and your provider.  My recurrent chemical pregnancy history can be found here.

After extensive lab testing, an HSG, and an endometrial biopsy, i found out that the only thing potentially wrong with me was that my uterine lining was too thin.

I was referred to Dr. Bruce Lessey by another woman I met online, who had been through more, MANY more losses than I had (something like 15 CPs as well as a few other losses later on.  I am happy to report that her daughter was born about 6 months ago.)  Dr. Lessey had an interesting protocol that I will detail below.

  • 5mg of Letrozole (Femara) on days 5-9 of the cycle.  (To produce a stronger ovulation.)
  • Trigger shot of 5000mu of Pregnyl (HCG) when I got a positive OPK (to trigger ovulation)
  • Booster short of 5000mu of Pregnyl 7 days after the trigger shot (to provide early hormonal support.)

To that I personally added taking 4mg of Estradiol, vaginally from day 9-13 to build my lining.

9 months later, I had this beautiful baby in my arms 🙂

So there is hope!

January 2014 update: I followed the same protocol detailed above and our third son was born in January 2014.



Without these meds, I experienced 5 miscarriages. On these meds I was 2/2 in successful pregnancies. However, please know that I am not a doctor and for you to know the best course of action, it is important to go through all the testing yourself and find out what is going on with your body.  Don’t be afraid to push and ask questions.  Ask for the tests you want.  If your provider won’t listen, find another provider. There is hope. Don’t give up!!

131 thoughts on “Success after recurrent chemical pregnancies

  1. P says:

    Hi A, I have a question for you and I hope you see this question. You mention above that you added estrace for days 9-13 to build up your lining. Why did you chose these days? I understand that you are not a doctor and am not going to hold you for anything. I just want to understand your rational as I heard that estrace does delay or mask ovulation if taken before ovulation (as they give estrace vaginally for Frozen Emb Transfer cycles in fertility clinic to mask your own ovulation so that the body takes the frozen fertilized eggs). I am considering to try clomid for next month as my RE doesn’t believe in Femara (sigh) and want to add estrace myself and am doing research on the right days to insert estrace and would love to hear your research and reasoning. Looking forward to your reply and thank you in advance to take time after what you went through to be here for us. lots of hugs..

    • rowanthefrog says:


      I honestly don’t remember where I read that estradiol built up the lining. My dad might have told me (he’s an OB) or someone online. I don’t remember. I took it those days because I had my lining checked at CD9 and it was like 1.5mm or 3mm or something very thin like that. I typically ovulate at day 14, so I took it from day 9-13 to build my lining those days. Then once I got a positive OPK I did the shot of Pregnyl to trigger ovulation…so if it did delay it, then the shot would trigger it. Actually my RE did not want me to take the estradiol, but I took it anyway because when I saw how thin my lining was I knew I would be headed for another m/c. I never even told him I took it. Maybe that’s why, I didn’t know!! 🙂


      • P says:

        Thanks for responding! Well it worked! I have done some research all morning and it seems as if clomid/femara + estrace is a protocol that some Ob/REs do recommend. As you rightly did, all of them stop at CD 13 to allow ovulation on CD 14 or 15. So here you go! You did the right thing! I tried clomid once before and my lining was thin and CM dried up so I was thinking of adding estrace myself! Will let you know how it goes. Thank you again!

      • Korinne says:

        Hi did you take 2mg of estradiol 2x a day or 4mg of estradiol once a day?

      • rowanthefrog says:


        Honestly…I don’t remember. I think I did 2 mg vaginally twice a day??? Wear a pantyliner, you will be dripping blue. Yuck.


      • LA says:

        THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU for sharing this information! I have the same issue and have suffered 3 consecutive early pregnancy MCs in 8 months (we took off 4 months of TTC for fertility testing & a hysteroscopy to clear a blocked tube). The first was at 7 weeks, but I felt my symptoms decling at 5 1/2 weeks, then got pregnant again on the first try after 1 period and it was over before it actually began. I just thought it was a normal period until it laster for 2 weeks. The third is in progress now. My first HCG was 64, the 2nd one was 138 (seemed to be going well) the 3rd dropped to 71. The nurse asked why I came back after the 2nd level bc she told me all was good and to call back & schedule a 7 week U/S. I reminded her that I always MC between week 5-7 and NEVER make it to the U/S. I was nervous and needed to celebrate the small victories along the way to 7 weeks. Clearly I was correct.
        I will definitely relay your treatment plan to my RE for discussion.
        He prescribed Letrozole & Ovidrel at OV, but I’m not convinced it will be enough. Thank you again for sharing your story. It’s so hard to find people with recurrent loss. Most people and doctors are used to issues with not being able to conceive, not recurrent losses from a natural conception! Bless you for doing this. I finally feel hopeful that I too can have a successful pregnancy!

      • rowanthefrog says:


        Thanks for your comments and I’m so sorry for your losses. I keenly understand the pain. I hope that your discussion with your doctor went well. Please keep us posted on your progress. I hope your next pregnancy brings a sweet baby into your arms!


      • Holon higgins says:

        Where did you get estradiol from? I can see some places online to order it in pill form.

      • rowanthefrog says:


        I kind of cheated, my dad is an OB-GYN and he prescribed it for me. You could ask your doctor and see what they say?


      • Zam says:

        Hi! I know it’s been a while since you’ve posted on your blog but I just had a quick question for you… I also suffered multiple CPs and am still TTC for our 1st. I’m working with my doc to find ways to conceive successfully. I was interested in you mentioning Estradiol and uterine lining thickening it causes. Just curious, if your doctor didn’t want you on this, how did you get the prescription for Estradiol? My doc is not very cooperative either. My uterine lining is about 8 mm thick, but all my pregnancies still end up in MCs for some reason… So tired of figuring out what is wrong with me..

  2. Cassandra says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have a similar history. After an inability to get pregnant (6 IUI), I have a 20 month old son through IVF pgd. In the last year, I have has 2 failed IVFs, and 3 losses (2 chemical, 1 at 7 weeks- trisomy 7). Since my son, I have naturally gotten pregnant every time, only to miscarry early. We also have had a slew of tests, and the only thing that comes up is MTHFR. I just found out I am again naturally pg I am now nearing 5 weeks, and my 3 betas doubled in 41 hours. I am on a slew of meds including metformin and heparin. While my betas are solid, I am just so scared of the next loss. My scan is in 10 days, and I so nervous we won’t see a HB. I too have lining problems. On my own, I couldn’t get past a 7. I always take Eatradiol every cycle. I am praying for success, and I very much appreciate your sharing your successful journey.

    • rowanthefrog says:

      Hang in there Cassandra….I truly hope that everything continues well with this pregnancy for you. Please keep us posted.

  3. Gemma says:

    Similar story here….I have 3 children 9, 7 and 2.5yrs. Each time ttc them I fell pregnant every month but had 9 chemical pregnancies. No rhyme or reason and I didn’t do anything different on the months that were successful. My story changes a little at that point….We haven’t used anything to avoid conception since our son was born. We now have “unexplained secondary infertility” and have had 5 more chemical pregnancies in that time. 3 were faint lines before starting AF on time, 1 was almost 6 weeks with great lines then Bam!….the line went faint and the bleeding started and the other was a faint positive (hcg plateaued around 30) for 3 weeks until it zeroed out and bleeding started. Had RLP done, HSG, u/s. They only tested lining very early in the cycle and diagnosed me with APS and B12 deficiency. Even taking a B complex (after B12 injection loading dose) and 150mg aspirin daily I had a chemical. This is obviously something that started ages ago but progressed to infertility but what? I’m in the UK, so testing and treatment is limited. My 7DPO came back low at 24.9 nmol/L (7.8 ng/ml I think) but they said it was fine. They don’t prescribe progesterone in the UK. I’m at a dead end with the doctors so am looking into progesterone creams, soy isoflavones etc in hope I can crack it myself. Being left to lose babies is horrible 😦

    • rowanthefrog says:


      I’m so so sorry for what you have gone through. There are several UK ladies here who have shared their stories. I’m surprised they won’t prescribe any progesterone? I can’t believe I’m about to suggest this, but can you get some online?? Do you have an option to see a private doctor?


    • EJ says:

      Wow I have just stumbled across this blog after suffering my 9th chemical pregnancy and of course was searching for answers online as each time I have a chemical pregnancy I feel as if I am the only one having had so many.
      Such an inspiring blog and I thank you for it. Congratulations on your recent baby boy!
      I am very interested to know how this poster Gemma got on as I see her post is from mid last year. Obviously where I am at right now, I am holding on to hope of success after many recurring losses.
      I have a 4year old daughter who was conceived with no trouble. Many tests done over the past 2 1/2 years trying for #2 with nothing shown. My specialist is now looking at IVF and it’s scary knowing I’ve conceived so easily before.
      Hugs to all.

      • rowanthefrog says:


        I’m so deeply sorry for all of your losses. What a nightmare 😦 I hope Gemma will update for you. Don’t ever give up hope. I know how scary it can be. I hope that your IVF treatment works and brings you the baby you have been wanting for so long. Big hugs.

  4. Jaye says:

    Thank you for sharing your journey. I’m happy to hear that you were able to find a medical professional that could help. I’ve been through 3 CPs, but we did find my issue with testing. Mine is a clotting disorder. Whereas most with a clotting disorder would start their anticoagulants after getting a bfp, I found out the hard way that that was too late for me. I have to start after ovulation. It’s such a tough thing to go through. I’m happy that you got your rainbow babies, and hope you have another on the way by now!

    • rowanthefrog says:


      You are welcome and I’m so sorry to hear what you have been going through. I’m glad you know what is causing them and I hope that your next pregnancy brings a sweet baby into your arms! Keep us posted.


  5. Jemma_77 says:

    You don’t know how relieved I am to have cone across your blog. I had a miscarriage in 2008 at 6 weeks. Had a healthy pregnancy and birth in 2010 which resulted in my gorgeous baby girl. Since then I have had 4 chemical pregnancies. 2 in 2012 and 2 this year, the most recent being yesterday. I’m currently waiting to be diagnosed with Endometriosis. My doc believes I have it I just need to see a gyn doctor and have a laparascopy to confirm. I have suffered with horrific pain two-three weeks of each month from my period, right though ovulation and beyond. It’s physically and emotionally draining. I hope treatment for that will allow me to be a mum again as I feel helpless right now. Your story has given me hope 🙂

    • rowanthefrog says:


      Thanks for posting and I’m so sorry for your losses. What you are describing does sound like endometriosis. I’m glad you found some good information and hope here. Please keep us posted on what the doc says. I hope your next pregnancy brings a baby into your arms!


  6. Megan says:

    Are there OTC suggestions? I’ve just had my second chemical in 4 months (I’m also proud mama to an almost 3 year old boy who was a surprise, so I’m new to this whole “TTC thing”). I’m not ready to incur the cost of any medical testing yet, as I know my insurance won’t cover it, and I’d like to give it another couple of months of TTC first. Thoughts on supplements, acupuncture, etc?

    • rowanthefrog says:


      A lot of the testing your OB can order for you and then its more likely to be covered instead of seeing a specialist, so that is worth checking into. As far as OTC, you can try taking a baby aspirin and vitamin B12. You could also ask for progesterone supplements that you can start at 3DPO. It may or may not help. I did acupuncture and it didn’t help me, but I’ve had friends who have had success with it. It can get pricey though, it may make more sense to pay for the tests to see if you can figure out exactly what is wrong rather than stabs in the dark. Try that and hopefully that will bring you success, but if you have a third loss I’d start pushing for testing. Good luck!


      • Megan says:

        Third loss began today. I was advised (by a Nurse) to “take two months off” “stop stressing” and “only test after I’m at least a week late.” My response, of course, was that I test early because I KNOW I’m pregnant. I know my body.

        I love my OB and I feel if she had been consulted, she would consider bringing me in for testing. What should I do? Just schedule an appointment with her against the advice of this Nurse?

      • rowanthefrog says:


        I’m so sorry to hear about your third loss. It’s such a difficult place to be. If you have a good relationship with your OB I think its absolutely worth contacting her and asking for testing. It’s standard for them to do testing after 3 losses, though as we know, some providers don’t count CPs as losses, but I think you should push for it. Good luck, let us know what happens and what you find out.


  7. Megan says:

    Well, it did not go as I had hoped — though, it was how I expected it may be based on reading your blog and the feedback I’ve gotten from most people up until this point.

    She basically told me she didn’t think I was getting pregnant at all and that I may have a low-lying HCG and that the symptoms I was feeling were related to my body adjusting to being off of BC. I am so disappointed because here I am feeling crazy, once again. We haven’t been trying very long, and I wouldn’t be concerned at all if I weren’t REPEATEDLY getting pregnant. I am well aware that I’m “healthy and young, and have carried a baby to term,” but that doesn’t make this any easier.

    She reluctantly agreed to basic labs (thyroid and prolactin). I will keep you posted on those results – though, I expect them to come back normal.

    In the meantime, I am considering starting Progesterone cream. Thoughts on that? My doctor (not surprisingly) thought I was being ridiculous when I brought it up.

    Thanks for hearing me out. It is such a relief to have a safe place to vent, where I know there is empathy and understanding on the other end.

    • rowanthefrog says:


      Ugh, I’m so sorry she didn’t take you seriously. Sadly I’m not surprised at all. You might want to consider seeing a specialist if your OB isn’t being helpful. Do you have any diagnostic infertility coverage with your insurance?

      Progesterone cream certainly can’t hurt, but its no cure-all. I’ve taken it through several miscarriages and also my successful pregnancy. Basically it won’t prevent a m/c that is definitely going to happen, but it could provide a little extra support.

      I’m here to listen of course, sorry I don’t always reply very quickly. Keep us posted.


    • Natasha says:

      Wow, so many stories like my own…I know you wrote this years ago, but I am going through the same thing….recurrent early loss, even close together, but with a healthy baby. My doctor just DOESNT believe me!! It is insane! I already felt crazy enough, and was so not looking forward to confessing the shame of all these losses and then to have them treated like they never happened was just something I was not prepared for. Like others have posted, I do not test, because I know very easily when I am pregnant…way before the testing window. My doctor took that and the fact I brought our baby with us and was almost arguing with me, trying to find some other explanation instead of what was actually happening. Equally off the wall suggestions, but they sound rediculous to me when I already KNOW what is happening to me–even if it is not that common. It HAPPENED. Thanks for letting hear your heart on this…and letting me peggy back on your vent. My husband wisely told me to not let it bother me….because WE both know it happened, but this is my doctor I am going to advise me on my health and they need to know what is going on so they can advise me!

  8. Joleen says:

    Were you on Metformin while you were doing this protocol? Have you heard any sucess stories of women with similar problems being successful on this protocol? Thank you for sharing your stories and being willing to answer my questions. Your success is the only hope I have.

    • rowanthefrog says:


      I was not on Metformin the cycles that I did that protocol and got successfully pregnant. I did take Metformin at some point in time during my journey. I honestly can’t remember if I got pregnant and m/c while on it or not. My older sister, who struggled with infertility issues of her own, though different from mine, took it though and if I recall that was the cycle that her IVF worked. I know at least one other person who used Metformin successfully, which is why I tried it…as a “why not, let’s see what happens.” Since most doctors didn’t seem to know what was wrong with me, some were willing to sort of throw everything they had that had been successful at the issue to see if something would work.

      The RE who put me on this protocol told me he had a 80% success rate with it. Since my success rate was like 16%, 80% sounded great to me and I’ve had a 100% success rate with it. This is the study that came out about this protocol, written by the RE who put me on it.

      Essentially I had a few REs telling me that the only way I would get successfully pregnant would be by doing injectibles or IVF with PGD…both very expensive procedures that my insurance wouldn’t cover…and then Dr. Lessey offered me this option, which is really quite simple, inexpensive and apparently effective. I had a hard time swallowing the answer that IVF was my only choice, since getting pregnant was not an issue at all. I truly thought that there was something wrong with my lining or my endometrial receptivity. This protocol addresses that and it seems that once I fixed that then the baby would stick.

      I hope that helps, let me know if you have any more questions.


      • Joleen says:

        Thank you for the info. I saw my RE today and she agreed (although reluctantly) to put me on the protocol that caused your success. She also told me that, statistically, each pregnancy has a 50% chance of being successful. It sure doesn’t feel like that after having my third chemical. It took me 13 months to get pregnant with my last chemical, so hopefully I will see some results sooner. My doctor told me today “you just have to figure out how many of these losses you can take”. Then proceeded to tell me a story about a colleague of hers that had TWELVE chemicals in between two healthy pregnancies. The thought of that makes me want to jump off a bridge. I mean at what point have you had so many losses that you are incapable of feeling hope or joy about a new pregnancy? But I’m rambling. I’ll keep you updated on my success/failure with the protocol you used. I won’t be able to try it until next cycle, as it is already too late with this one.

      • rowanthefrog says:

        Hi Joleen,

        Well I’m glad she’s game to try it, even reluctantly. She’s right about the statistics, but at some point you start to wonder how many times you can be on the short end of the stick. I know I felt that way as well. I also got to the point of “how many times can I continue to do this?” Honestly I’m not sure of the answer. I know another woman who had some ridiculous number of chemicals (10+) along with another m/c at 12w, 8w. She finally conceived twins via IVF, lost one but her little girl was born healthy and she just adopted a son from China. Her pictures on facebook are so joyous, you would never know the pain that led to her current joy.

        I have so many people tell me how strong I am or some variation of that. Honestly I’m nothing special, I’m just a woman like any of you, trying to build my family. I don’t know how many losses I could take. I said after my last loss that I was doing it one more time and then we were pursuing adoption. Thankfully my “one more time” led to this pregnancy, but I often wonder if I would have tried again and again. I’m glad that I don’t really have to find out the answer to that question. I do think you get into a headspace where you don’t feel hope/joy in a new pregnancy. I know that early pregnancy is sheer anxiety for me. Testing like a maniac, counting down hours/days until my next beta draw. I have two friends that I would text pics of my pregnancy tests so we could compare line darkness. CRAZYTOWN I tell you but its where I go. It’s sad and it would make me mad that the “magic” of finding out about a pregnancy was stolen from me and others like me.

        Anyway, I share that with you to let you know you aren’t alone. Please keep me posted on your progress and I hope that it works for you. It seems to really help women in our situation somehow. Maybe you’ll teach your RE something new 😉


  9. JJ says:

    Finding this blog and the associated comments just brought my anxiety level back down so much. Thank you! It took my husband and I 3 years to conceive our gorgeous, now two year old, daughter, which we were eventually able to do via IVF on the first try. She is my everything. Our diagnosis was mild male factor infertility. Then, we decided to try on our own before moving toward doing an FET. We’ve tried for two months and have gotten pregnant both times. Both have been chemical pregnancies. I’m now in my late 30s and wondering why it is that I was never able to get pregnant naturally before and now that I can, have had two chemical pregnancies in a row? I have an appointment with my RE in two weeks and hoping that she will run a full panel of tests to help us figure it out. I’ve been a wreck thinking about a thin lining, so when I got to your success and found out that this is possible to correct, I finally found some anxiety relief. I realize how blessed I am to have my daughter and that there are many, many women who are still trying for their first. I try to remind myself of that, but these losses, as early as they are, are still so painful. Thank you for writing about this.

    And in all of my stalking of blogs and discussion boards since 2007, this is my very first post. I needed you to know how much your writing helped me today.

    • rowanthefrog says:


      I’m so sorry to hear about your losses and your long journey to build your family. I’m glad you are under the care of a good RE. Please let us know what they say. Thank you for your kind comments about the blog. I’m happy to hear that it is helping to give you hope and reduce your anxiety. When I started this blog I honestly didn’t think anyone would ever read it, it was really just for me to keep track of stuff. The silver lining of my journey has been comments such as yours and knowing that somehow I’m helping others out there going through the same thing.

      I hope your next pregnancy brings a sweet baby into your arms.


  10. Danielle says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. Mine is nearly identical to yours. I’m just going through our third consecutive loss all before 12 weeks. 2 were at or around 6 weeks and one at 11 weeks. The cause was only known for the 11 week miscarriage (the second loss): Trisomy 16.

    I am baffled as we have one beautiful, healthy 2 year old daughter that we conceived naturally (on accident, at that!). We decided to try for a second and we have had nothing but loss since intentionally trying to get pregnant. Life is ironic like that, I suppose.

    My OB was not helpful at all – and this time around basically said there was nothing that they could do and she didn’t want to do a typical ‘work up’ because I don’t fit the criteria…whatever that means. I’m feeling like it’s time to switch to a doctor who doesn’t mind looking a little deeper.

    My question to you is: do you believe there is any connection between the Mirena IUD that you had and the thinning of your uterine lining?

    This seems to be the ONLY thing that I can think may be the issue. I’d love to know your thoughts on that. Thank you for sharing your story – if nothing else to know I’m not alone on this!

    • rowanthefrog says:


      I’m so sorry to hear about your losses. It’s baffling and devastating, isn’t it? I’m sorry your OB won’t order tests. Have you tried pushing her at all? Sometimes you just have to beg for it. But if you really feel like its a brick wall it couldn’t hurt to look for a new provider.

      re: Mirena – yes, I absolutely think that my IUD contributed to if not outright caused my lining issues and therefore at least one if not several of my losses. I have always had light periods, even before I started getting pregnant, but post-IUD there was next to nothing. My OB at the time told us we could try as soon as it was out, and we did and got pregnant, but there was nothing for it to hold on to.

      When we tried for #3 I had it pulled out about 6 months before we started trying. I still had a m/c but around 7.5 weeks instead of a CP. I really think they should tell you that its best to wait several cycles, until you have a normal period, before you start trying to get pregnant.

      So yes, I think the IUD is an issue for sure.

  11. Danielle says:

    I should mention, for clarity sake, I had the Mirena IUD for almost 2 years after my daughter was born and had it removed in March when we began trying.

  12. Stacy says:

    Hi Danielle,

    I just want to thank you for writing this blog because it has helped keep me sane. I’ve had 2 early losses and have been through every test imaginable. I’ve recently been diagnosed with Celiac disease and Hashimotos, though the research connecting them with miscarriage is fairly new and unreliable. I have been telling my fertility Dr since day one that I think my lining is an issue but I feel like he is not taking that concern seriously. My periods are so light every month but because my hormone levels are good he doesn’t think it’s that. My first ultrasound I had done was day 19 of my cycle and my lining was a 5.2. He told me that was borderline. I did enough research to know that was thin. This past month I insisted he check it again. Day 10 it was only a 4 and he commented that it was a little thin. However because of the recent diagnoses, he didn’t want to address anything else until I saw a gastroenterologist and she provided him with her recommendations. He also told us not to try until then. When I saw the gastroenterologist she looked at me like I was crazy when I told her he said not to try. She didn’t feel there’s any reason not to. So again I feel like I have no answers. Fertility Dr doesn’t think lining is a major issue and because my estrogen and progesterone are what they should be, doesn’t think hormone supplements will do any good. I’m at a loss. Were your hormone levels normal even though your lining was thin? Thanks for all your information. And congrats on number 3!!!

    • rowanthefrog says:

      Hi Stacy,

      I’m sorry to hear about your losses and your diagnoses. My hormone levels were always normal but I also had a very thin lining, similar to yours. I would push for some estrogen supplementation from days 9-14 of your cycle. I’m surprised your doc isn’t concerned about it, it is definitely quite thin. Please keep us posted on your progress!


  13. Jo says:

    I’ve just stumbled across your story and I’m looking forward to reading through everything properly.

    I have two children (11 and 7) but prior to these I had suffered 2 miscarriages (the first at around 9 wks but was a missed mc, the second at 5wks -cm). Last year I had my mirena removed after finally managing to convince my husband that we should have another baby. (This was my second mirena both were in for the full 5 yrs). Since then I have had 4 miscarriages, the first a missed miscarriage went to 11 weeks but an empty sac and 3 chemicals at 5 wks almost exactly. With my early mcs I have had very exaggerated symptoms of pregnancy (very tender, sore breasts, tiredness and my skin has broken out). I have been referred to a gynaecologist here in the uk but all my tests have come back normal (which is great but very confusing). I haven’t had my lining checked but after reading this feed I will be chasing this with my doctor. I wonder…..

    • rowanthefrog says:

      Hi Jo,

      Thanks for your comments and I’m so sorry to hear about your losses. I hope your doctor will check this out for you and you can get some answers. Keep us posted on your progress!


  14. lili says:

    Thank you for sharing your story,
    I am 39 yeras old and DH is 41, we are trying for about two years now , and during these time We did IUI , It was totally new to us and I had no self knowledge. It was a very stressful process and my doctor was always pessimistic and told us not working and we should spend 14000 and go for IVF as my FSH was 10.4 and AMH was .67, we have no money for that so I stopped it and started reseraching, I came up with DHEA, COQ10, Prenatal with DHA, supplement that are very good . , I started taking these and my FSH now is 7.4 but AMh is still below 1, but better, now after these supplements, I can feel I am ovulating , I know i can concive but I have problem with implantation, is there anything that you think can help me with this? I am going to do IUi next cycle

    thank you so much

    • rowanthefrog says:

      Thanks for your comments. I’m glad you found something that is helping you ovulate. Obviously that is a critical piece of getting pregnant. It sounds like you have had a loss, or several. Has your doctor run the Recurrent Pregnancy Loss panel on you? That would be my first recommendation if you haven’t already done that. Best of luck and keep us posted.


  15. Stacy says:

    Thanks Danielle. I finally got the Dr to give me some hormones, but it’s the same prescription plan they follow for IUI. I’m not even sure how this makes sense, but I guess at this point ill try it. Apparently because my estrogen levels have been so high, he doesn’t think I need any extra. So fingers crossed that he knows best and this works!

  16. Sweta says:


    Thank you so so much for putting your story here and for sharing all the information and for caring. First of all, congratulations on Andrew, he is adorable, as are your other boys and your whole family, really.
    I was at my wits end before I found your blog, but now I have hope. My story has many similarities to yours except I have no kids to show for it, yet (I hope). I had a CP in 2007 in my first cycle of trying, my ob/gyn said it’s fairly common and to not worry about it and to just try again in the very next cycle. I figured she was right, I mean I have PCOS, Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, what are the chances I would conceive in my first cycle, right? Next cycle I had an ectopic pregnancy. I was in denial at this point, they removed it laparoscopically and sent me home.
    For the next year or so I didn’t want to try again. The laparoscopy had left me feeling ill, I was weak, had low immunity and some depression I think. Anyway, I decided to ttc again but my cycle was a little unpredictable and my new ob/gyn put me on medication to start my period. As soon as I finished my period I was in a car wreck.
    The car wreck put an end to all baby-having dreams. I had multiple fractures and chances were I would never walk by myself again. I was in bed for a whole year and in rehab for another. Luckily I managed to gain a fair amount of mobility and by early 2012 I decided to ttc again.
    Now I also had age against me. I was 36 years old and really feeling desperate. I went to a gyn but he was very negative and judgemental. I got discouraged bc he was supposed to be the best in my city. We didn’t do any treatments with him and my husband started talking about surrogacy with a donated egg or adoption but I was feeling cheated. Finally we decided that if we were gonna go that route we could wait since it didn’t involve my biological clock and I would try to get healthier and more mobile so that I could actually raise a kid if I ever had one. With that goal in mind I changed my primary care provider and he diagnosed with PTSD. He also disapproved me for pregnancy in the short term. However he made a plan to get me and my blood sugars there and finally cleared me for conception in August 2013.
    Now the real fun starts 🙂 In the five cycles since then I have had 3 IUIs, all CPs. One cycle we opted out and one cycle I ovulated before I knew it. So basically 3 for 3. When the third one happened yesterday I was devastated. I couldn’t understand this horrible trick my body was playing on me, I was like, really, after all the other stuff, this?? Then a forum member told me about CP and I found your blog. I am going to discuss the protocol you have described with my ob gyn, who btw is amazing in terms of being positive and supportive. The protocol we followed this time was clomid for ovulation, oral estradiol from cycle day 9 to BFN, trigger shot of pregnyl, 2 iui back to back and then oral progesterone until BFN.
    Sorry for the long long sob story, it feels really good to get it all out there. After reading about your successes I am hoping you have some recommendations for me. Also, I have these specific questions if it’s possible for you to weigh in:
    Do you know if Diabetes and/or PCOS contribute to having CPs even if the blood sugar is in good control?
    What blood work/testing should I ask for at this point? Except Thyroid I haven’t had any other fertility testing. We had planned to do a laparoscopy to check the tubes if this iui didn’t work, but could I have a CP if my tubes were blocked?
    Is taking oral estradiol and progesterone the same as using suppositories for them?
    Thanks so much for reading this. Once again, congratulations, your babies look adorable and you will be in my prayers.

    • rowanthefrog says:


      Wow, what a crazy journey you have been through. Good for you for overcoming so many life obstacles. Regarding your questions, I honestly don’t know what effect diabetes or PCOS would contribute to CPs. I found a lot of interesting information on this website,, it might be worth searching for you. Here is a good list of tests to ask for,

      If your tubes are blocked you most likely wouldn’t be getting pregnant in the first place, so I don’t really think that that test will give you any answers regarding why you are having CPs, but it can’t hurt to do anyway.

      regarding oral vs. suppositories, I believe that generally more of the hormones reach your system in suppository form, due to proximity and absorption.

      Big hugs, I hope your next pregnancy brings a sweet baby into your arms. Please keep us posted.


  17. Dora says:

    So I found the post of your exact protocol for your two recent sons, but did you also take progesterone to supplement? I had five chemical pregnancies last year and am now just getting back to trying again. I meet with my re tomorrow. He’s putting me on ferma and a trigger (going to ask for a booster and estradiol) but I wanted to see if you also supplemented with prometrium. Thank you for sharing your story. I am not sure you fully understand the hope you have given to ladies like me who haven’t been able to achieve what you have. It’s very brave of you to be so candid. Congratulations on your three little men.

    • rowanthefrog says:


      Yes, I took progesterone to supplement with all of my pregnancies except my very first. Some it helped, some it didn’t, but it certainly can’t hurt. With my second son I took injectible progesterone from week 4-10. With my third I used Crinone from weeks 4-8 and prometrium from weeks 8-10.

      Thank you for your kind words. I honestly never really thought that anyone would read this blog at all….if there is any good in my journey it’s that it has helped so many others. Best of luck and please keep us posted on your progress. I hope your next pregnancy brings a sweet baby into your arms.


    • Hania says:

      Hey did you fell pregnant after chemical pregnancies with this protocol

  18. Heidi says:

    Hi Danielle,

    I just found out I had my 2nd chemical pregnancy in 4 months, this time around I hadn’t even realized I was pregnant. I have done IVF 4 times and have a beautiful 4 year old as a result, but I’m wondering if your protocol might work for me. If you took Estradiol on your own, how did you get the prescription? If that is too intrusive I apologize. I’m going to take this information along with Dr. Lessey’s study to my next follow up appointment. Thanks for the inspiration, it really helps to see how other experience the same disappointments but are able to come out the other side with happy, healthy babies. Congratulations to you and your family!

    • rowanthefrog says:

      Hi Heidi,

      I’m so sorry for your losses. My dad prescribed the Estradiol for me. He’s an OBGYN (not mine, but its certainly nice to have another source to draw on when I need it.) It’s commonly known that Estradiol will build your lining so it’s worth asking your doc about. It’s a pretty harmless drug to take for a few days. Let us know what your OB says and keep us posted on your progress. I hope your next pregnancy brings a sweet baby into your arms.


  19. Amanda says:

    First of all I am so glad to have found you. All I was searching for was someone who really understood what I am going through after a miscarriage before thanksgiving then a cp for Valentines Day. I know friends and family are supportive but I don’t need encouraging words, I wanted someone who UNDERSTOOD! Successful results and stories are truly a bonus. I feel so much better reading your blog and even comments of those of us going through it together. I am only 29 and don’t understand why this is so hard, it is so disappointing, stressful, and emotionally draining. I am trying desperately to stay positive and now am slightly more after finding you. My husband and I are meeting with my re tomorrow to see what is next. The hardest thing is thinking “will it ever happen?” Or instead of feeling excited after that positive, feeling scared and nervous. I am sure you felt the same, but I guess one day it will be worth it right??
    Congrats to you and your beautiful family and thank you again.

    • rowanthefrog says:


      I’m so sorry for your losses and yes, I completely understand what you are going through. It’s such a nightmare 😦 I’m glad you are staying positive and that you are finding some hope here. I’m also glad you are meeting with an RE. I hope your meeting went well. Please keep us posted on your progress.



  20. M. says:

    Dear Amy, thank you so much for creating this blog. I’m in my early thirty’s, have no children yet and have been trying to conceive for the past 8 months. Since then I experienced three consecutive losses: one CP (4,5 weeks), one missed abortion (9 weeks) and another CP (4,5 weeks), so frustrating. I’m Brazilian but I live in Switzerland. After my second loss, my Swiss doctor kept saying it was an “accident” and made a few normal exams which all came back fine. So I went to Brazil and had more specific exams (spent a small fortune) and again all came back normal (except for a MTHFR in hetero, but both my docs said it was very normal). I also had the fetus tested and again everything normal, no Chromosome abnormality or any trouble with the placenta.
    After my third loss I sent an email to my Swiss doctor telling him what happened and asking if there were any other exams left for me to do and he never even replied!!! So I called my Brazilian doctor and even though he had seen me only twice, he spent half an hour with me at the phone and suggested the following treatment: Acid Folic 5mg and Baby Aspirin daily, and after my next BFP: Clexane 40mg (Heparine), Prednisone 5mg and Vaginal Progesterone 200mg. I already took progesterone during my last 2 losses but it alone did not help. I wonder why this treatment is so different from the one you used. Have you ever tried or was suggested this one? And regarding your protocol, my question is: you used the HCG boost every month you were TTC, even if you didn’t know you were pregnant? And if yes, when you did the pregnancy test how did you know if the positive result wasn’t from the HCG you were taking? So sorry for such a long text… XXx M.

    • M. says:

      Ops, I forgot to tick “Notify me of follow-up comments via email”.
      Best, M.

      • rowanthefrog says:

        Hi Manu,

        I’m so sorry for your losses. It sounds like your Brazilian doctor is at least trying to help you, so that’s good. As far as your protocol, it sounds like a “throw everything at the problem and see if it fixes it” because your doctor doesn’t know what is wrong. It’s not necessarily a bad protocol…baby aspirin and heparin are for blood clotting disorders and your MTHFR mutation, prednisone could address any immunology issues, progesterone will address progesterone issues…it could work?!? I have taken all of those things except the Heparin. Didn’t help me, but that doesn’t mean it won’t help you.

        re: HCG booster…yes, I took an HCG shot to trigger ovulation and another one 7 days after the first before I found out if I was pregnant or not. You have to wait about 10 days for the HCG to get out of your system before you can test for pregnancy and get a reliable result. I would test and watch the line get lighter (as the booster went out of my system) and then start to get darker again if I was REALLY pregnant.

        I think the protocol your Dr. recommended is worth a try, but if you have another loss, it might be worth suggesting my protocol for a try.

        Best of luck and I hope that it works for you!


    • rowanthefrog says:

      Hi Manu,

      I’m so sorry for your losses. It sounds like your Brazilian doctor is at least trying to help you, so that’s good. As far as your protocol, it sounds like a “throw everything at the problem and see if it fixes it” because your doctor doesn’t know what is wrong. It’s not necessarily a bad protocol…baby aspirin and heparin are for blood clotting disorders and your MTHFR mutation, prednisone could address any immunology issues, progesterone will address progesterone issues…it could work?!? I have taken all of those things except the Heparin. Didn’t help me, but that doesn’t mean it won’t help you.

      re: HCG booster…yes, I took an HCG shot to trigger ovulation and another one 7 days after the first before I found out if I was pregnant or not. You have to wait about 10 days for the HCG to get out of your system before you can test for pregnancy and get a reliable result. I would test and watch the line get lighter (as the booster went out of my system) and then start to get darker again if I was REALLY pregnant.

      I think the protocol your Dr. recommended is worth a try, but if you have another loss, it might be worth suggesting my protocol for a try.

      Best of luck and I hope that it works for you!


      • Manu says:

        Dear Amy, Just a quick update, two months after I wrote to you in despair, I got pregnant! This time I was already taking Acid Folic 5mg and Baby Aspirin daily, and after getting the positive I added: Clexane 40mg (Heparine) and Vaginal Progesterone 200mg. It WORKED!!! And today I have a beautiful and healthy baby boy, joy of my life. Thanks for everything. M.

      • rowanthefrog says:


        Congratulations on your healthy baby boy!! I love hearing success stories and thanks for sharing what worked for you. I also have a special place in my heart for little boys, being the mom of 3 of them. Enjoy that sweet baby and congrats!


  21. Anna says:

    Congrats on your growing family. I think I may be experiencing a chemical pregnancy as we speak. My husband and I have been actively trying to conceive for about four months..with no luck. Yesterday, I woke up to spotting which is not abnormal for me since I spot about 5 days before my period. Within a few hours I had to put in a tampon (which is never the case when I’m spotting) and by the time I got home from work, I had bled through several tampons. Really large and thick clots accompanied the spotting and though I’ve had clots before during my period, I’ve never experienced any this thick. My lower back hurts, too. I started taking b6 a few months ago to stop by spotting but haven’t experienced any results. I never even took a pregnancy test because I didn’t want to drive myself crazy during the two week wait. I just wanted to wait until I got my period (which was scheduled for Sunday). My last period was 20 days ago, so this is early for me which is why I’m ruling out a normal period…that and the fact that it’s severe heavy bleeding with clots. Anyway, I just wanted to know what your symptoms were or if you think I’m experiencing a chemcial pregnancy.

    • rowanthefrog says:


      I’m sorry its so confusing. Have you taken a pregnancy test? It could be a chemical pregnancy or just an abnormal period. Are you charting? Do you know when you ovulated?


  22. Anna says:

    I didn’t take a pregnancy test, so I don’t even know. I am charting, but other than a shift in temperature, I really don’t have any other signs of ovulation. I ovulated on March 16th. Too early probably for a chemical pregnancy, right?

  23. D says:

    Wonderful reading you managed to have success stories eventually! I am a young woman who may be experiencing the similar fertility issues to you, although I am unsure. I had my first CP 3 years ago (unplanned pregnancy) and have now experienced two in 2014 already (Jan and March). I am already anticipating that the same thing could occur this month.

    Were there any ever indicators prior to your recurrent CPs that you may have any issues? I was just wondering if having a thin endometrium was apparent with your periods (e.g. light or short flow) or if your cycles were at all irregular?

    • rowanthefrog says:


      I’m so sorry for your losses. I feel like I had average-lighter periods, but I was also on birth control for about 15 years before I started trying to get pregnant. Once I went off birth control I had very regular cycles, my periods were about 4-5 days, 1 day of spotting, 2 days of heavier flow and another day or two of lighter flow. It was noticeably different than my periods after I had my IUD out, which were no more than a little spotting for a few days. I hope that answers your question. I hope your next pregnancy brings a sweet baby into your arms. Keep us posted!


  24. Gemma says:

    I cannot thank you enough for all the valuable information you have given. I am crying with relief that ive found this info out.
    I am curentlly going through another CP. 11 years ago i was put on the wrong BCP and suffered an ectopic pregnancy, this was surgically removed but they were able to save my tube. Fast foward to October 2013 when we decided to TTC, i have no trouble in getting pregnant – we are successful every month, its making the baby stick that is my problem.

    With the first one I was like you: so excited! My hubby rang his brothers and parents to tell them the good news and i did the same with mine. But then came the appointments at my local EPU, due to the past ectopic and chance of scarring on my left fallopian tube from the surgery I was given my first appointment at 5+5. i can remember the day so clearly, we were both so excited however following the transvaginal scan the nurse very coldly told me ‘youve either got your dates wrong, your pregnancty is in the tube or this is just a pregnancy that isnt going anywhere for you’ i was devastated. My beta was drawn and confirmed HCG of 750 – they told me that this was OK but would need to be monitored so every 48hrs i made the trip to EPU. The levels then rose to 785 but then slowly dropped – i miscarried naturally at 7 weeks, i kick myself now wondering if it was my own shock and complete devastation crying myself to sleep that caused the levels to start dropping. After this i have only managed chemical pregnancies, I have found no one else i can relate to. One of my friends who has a baby through IVF and another on the way has told me that i should think myself lucky that i can get pregnant in the first place – but i dont feel lucky, i feel anything but. She also told me that these chemicals are ‘just my period’. I feel so sorry for my hubby that i cant give him the baby he deserves, i am heartbroken.
    I asked if the progesterone had been checked with the first miscarriage but was told that they only check HCG (I am in the UK) but i also have very short periods (2 or 3 days) that are light so now i am wondering if my uterine lining ould be the problem.
    My doctor has agreed to refer me but i first have to attend an appointment with him to discuss so he can decide who is the best specialist for me, my appointment isnt until May the 16th but i will take all your excellent information with me. I am 31 now and just want to get the wheels in motion, we dont have any other children. Do you know if there is anything i can buy to experiment with until i get my doctors appointment and referral that might help my uterine lining?
    Many thanks again, you have been a great source of comfort and congratulations on your beautiful family.

    • rowanthefrog says:


      I’m so sorry for all of your losses and also for the ridiculous and insensitive comments your friends have said. People just don’t understand. I also wanted to reassure you that there was NOTHING that YOU did that caused your miscarriage. Nothing. Please let go of that guilt.

      I’m glad you are seeing a specialist. I would also wonder with your short/light periods if you are having a lining issue. I’m not sure that there is anything over the counter than you can take, but what you are looking for is any sort of estrogen booster taken pre-ovulation. I would probably avoid trying to get pregnant until you meet with the specialist and give your body/lining a chance to build up.

      Thank you for your wishes and I will be thinking about you. Please update us after your appointment!


  25. […] Has anyone used clomid after repeat losses and had success? I've been pregnant 3 times and lost all 3. After tons of researching I found this blog and will talk to my doctor about trying it once my new cycle starts. Would like advice and to also show this ladies miracle treatment. I recommend reading through her blog, it's great. She had 5 miscarriages and both times she tried these meds she had a healthy pregnancy. 5mg of Letrozole (Femara) on days 5-9 of the cycle. (To produce a stronger ovulation.) Trigger shot of 5000mu of Pregnyl (HCG) when I got a positive OPK (to trigger ovulation) Booster short of 5000mu of Pregnyl 7 days after the trigger shot (to provide early hormonal support.) http://recurrentearlymiscarriage.wor…l-pregnancies/ […]

  26. […] This ladies blog is great! Read if you have time. She had 5 miscarriages and tried this protocol twice and had 2 of her 3 sons doing so. I'm excited to try this and wanted to see if anyone else was willing to do with me! Also it's more hope for something you have no control over. 5mg of Letrozole (Femara) on days 5-9 of the cycle. (To produce a stronger ovulation.) Trigger shot of 5000mu of Pregnyl (HCG) when I got a positive OPK (to trigger ovulation) Booster short of 5000mu of Pregnyl 7 days after the trigger shot (to provide early hormonal support.) And the blog website. http://recurrentearlymiscarriage.wor…l-pregnancies/ […]

  27. […] My pregnancies have lasted till 4,6 and 7 weeks but with my hcg never getting over 200. I'm going to try this ladies protocol next time. Also I'm sure her blog will help you feel less isolated. Gave me hope reading through it! Hope it helps. http://recurrentearlymiscarriage.wor…l-pregnancies/ […]

  28. Randa says:

    I been through 12 chemical pregnancies in the past 3 years .. I have a 4 years beautiful healthy baby …. Any help??

    • rowanthefrog says:

      Hi Randa,

      I’m deeply sorry for all of your losses. Its a horrible thing to go through. Have you had any blood testing? My first recommendation is always getting a Recurrent Pregnancy Loss panel run at your doctor to see what comes up. That would be the first step to seeing what is wrong. Let us know what you find out.


  29. maddimarie91 says:

    I stumbled across your blog today after discovering that I am having yet another CP. My husband and I had our son in Dec 2012 (he was an accident btw). In November 2013, just before his first birthday we decided to start trying for a second child. I had a CP in January, one in February and got pregnant again in April. That pregnancy lasted until week 10 when we found out there was no HB at our check up. I had a D&C in May and we waited 2 cycles to try again. This past Cycle I was pretty confident that we would get pregnant. I tested 2 days before my period and got the faintest BFP but they are usually darker than that for me at that time. The next day I started to bleed heavily and had bad cramping. It’s like an awful period. So I knew that I had just started my 4th miscarriage (3rd CP). After my third MC, my OB ran some tests on me to rule out common causes. My antiphospholipid panel was negative and thyroid antibody panel and lupus coagulation panels negative as well. We did find that I tested positive for the MTHFR C677T gene mutation which causes me to not absorb folate properly. I take a baby aspirin daily, organic prenatal vitamins, and bioavailabe b vitamins (including folate). They also did chromosome testing on me and found out that I have a chromosome 15q11.2 micro deletion but from what I can find, it doesn’t affect pregnancy. I have an appointment Ina couple weeks to see a genetic counselor but I don’t know what else there is to do. Until I found your blog, that is. How do you go about asking your doctor for this protocol? I don’t think she will go for it if I tell her I read it in a blog! Lol. My son is pushing 2 years old and My heart literally aches for another baby. Want to give him a sibling so badly but I feel hopeless sometimes, especially days like today. I also have a blog here on WordPress if you would like to check out our journey. I will definitely add you to my list of blogs to follow. I think you have a lot if valuable information! Thank you so much for sharing your story and helping us try and figure things out!

    • maddimarie91 says: is my blog site.

    • rowanthefrog says:

      Maddi Marie,

      I’m so sorry for your losses. Its a horrible roller coaster to be on. As far as asking your doc…well, you don’t know until you ask, right? I had one RE tell me that what I was asking for was “voodoo medicine.” So I switched doctors. The nice thing about the protocol that ultimately brought my two youngest sons into my arms is that it’s easy, no risk, inexpensive (compared to IVF, injectibles, etc etc.) There are proven medical studies backing it up, authored by the RE that put me on the protocol. So I would print out those studies and ask her to read them and discuss with you and see. YOu never know until you ask. And if she balks then find someone else.

      I hope your next pregnancy brings a sweet baby into your arms! Please keep us posted.


  30. Emily says:

    Thank you for writing this post. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

    I just had my third chemical pregnancy. We had two, then had a healthy baby immediately after the second CP. Now, we’re trying again.

    Like you, I got pregnant on the first try, and boom, another CP. It’s rotten. And, like you said, I’d lose my mind if I weren’t already sitting here with this beautiful baby in my arms.

    We’ve done lots of testing, and it’s turned up nothing. I’m thrilled to take these instructions to my RE.

    • rowanthefrog says:


      You are welcome and I’m glad you found useful information here. I’m so sorry for your losses, I completely understand what you are feeling right now. I hope your RE is receptive to a conversation and that your next pregnancy brings a baby into your arms. Please keep us posted.


      • Emily says:

        Thanks. We worked with Dr. Lessey–and one Ovidrel shot later, I’m at 23 weeks.

        I am beyond grateful to you for blogging about your experience. Our second little girl is due August 12.

      • rowanthefrog says:


        Congratulations!!!! I’m so glad Dr. Lessey was able to help you too. Congrats on your sweet baby girl, please update us when she arrives!


      • Emily says:

        Nadia arrived August 7. She is absolutely perfect, and I can’t imagine our family without her. I want to thank you again. I don’t think she’d be here if I hadn’t found your site. I have excellent doctors–but Dr. Lessey was the only one who was helpful with this rotten problem.

  31. Troy Simper says:

    Hi, your story is inspirational, my wife has had 3 chemical misscarriages in 9 months. Our story is very similar , we have a 2 year old son born in 2012 that like yours came early at 36 weeks exactly, but since then she gets to five or six weeks pregnant and losses it. We are at a loss to understand why but after reading your story I feel a lot more positive if we take a few of the steps you have, we can have another child. It’s been the hardest nine months to cope with for both myself and my wife, thankyou for giving us some hope.

    • rowanthefrog says:


      It is a bit refreshing for me to hear from a husband. I’m so sorry for the losses you and your wife have experienced. I’m glad you found some hope here. Has she had any bloodwork run? I would ask for that at her next appointment. With any “luck” something will come up so you know what to treat. Please keep us posted on your progress.


  32. Ella says:

    Thank you so much for your story. I am just finishing my fifth miscarriage within 15 months-four chemicals, one regular that lasted until 10 weeks (deemed chromosome error after testing). I too had a Mirena inserted for several years, bleed/spot four days before my period is due (which is short and light) and suspect a thin lining. I have asked for an endometrial biopsy but have been told they are unnecessary. The two doctors I have seen have recommended IVF, but my husband and I still feel like there is another solution-I think your blog may be the answer to our prayers. I gave a draft of your protocol to my RE last week and he was open to trying it. Unfortunately, he wants to tweak everything, which is making me nervous. For example, he wants to switch the days I take the drugs, wants to eliminate the Booster shot and add the estrogen post ovulation-not prior. I asked him why he wanted to alter the protocol. His reasoning was more personal opinion about the drugs than an attempt to personalize it for my situation. I am nervous about the seemingly random edits to the protocol, so I asked his nurse to have him call Dr. Lessey. I am not sure how he will respond to my request, but if it is negative, I may need to switch RE’s. In the meantime, I have read a lot of the comments below and it appears that you also took progesterone and baby aspirin, is that correct? So you list looked something like this:

    -5mg of Letrozole (Femara) on days 5-9 of the cycle.
    -Trigger shot of 5000mu of Pregnyl
    -Booster short of 5000mu of Pregnyl 7 days after the trigger shot
    -Estradiol, vaginally from day 9-13 to build lining.
    -baby aspirin every day
    -progesterone post ovulation
    -vitamin B?

    • rowanthefrog says:

      Hi Ella,

      Thank you for your comment and I’m so sorry for your losses. I’m very confused why your RE would want to do estrogen post-ovulation as that makes no sense at all (to me!) Estrogen = pre-ovulation, progsterone= post-ovulation.

      Yes, you have my protocol down correctly. I didn’t take vitamin B. I did take baby aspirin.

      HTH and keep us posted on your progress.


  33. san says:

    Hi.i am so glad u r helping everyone. God bless.u hv lovely kids.i had chemical pregnancy in oct 2011.can I hv ur email id.

  34. san says:

    Hi.i am so glad u r helping everyone. God bless.u hv lovely kids.2011.can I hv ur email id.i don’t mind u posted my discussion on blog after we hv one on email id

  35. Hey! Im so glad i found this blog!
    Im currently experiencing my 4th CP. Weve been trying to have a baby for 4 years. Each time i get pregnant first try only to lose it at 5 to 6 weeks. Weve never heard a heartbeat or seen the baby. Just the thousand pregnancy tests that say im pregnant!!
    Each time we decide to stop and try something natural. Well im done with that…i want a baby! I spent the three years detoxing, supplementing, eating right, no chemicals…green life!…the result….today im in my bed having the same pains i had four years ago with my first.
    Ive had all blood testing minus genetics. I know i have a heart shape uterus..some people say it needs to get fixed some dont. All rest is ok except thyroid and progesterone which im already on treatment for. I do have one MTHFR mutation heterozygous A1298A>C…im on folate already. This time we tried i was on baby aspirin but only from ovulation.
    We moved from Mexico to Florida six months ago and now im about to look for a specialist….but i dont want to waste time and money. Id be willing to travel to South C to see your dr. Do you recommend it??? What are your thoughts? Thanks so much…you are a blessing to all our broken hearts!

    • rowanthefrog says:

      EA Sanchez,

      I’m so sorry to hear about your losses. I have been down the natural road and it did not bring me the results I had hoped. I did a phone consultation with Dr. Lessey, he may be willing to do it with you. Can’t hurt to call him and ask. I know its been awhile since you posted so please update us on your progress!


  36. Keely says:

    Hi.I have just come across your blog as I’ve only just started googling chemical pregnancies. I have 3 children aged 12,4 and 2.I suffered a mc at 9wks in 2012 (before my 2yr old). My husband and I have been trying for another for a wee while now (he’s dad to the 2yr old).since Oct last year to now I have suffered 3 cp’s. I’m 33 years old.I just don’t know where to start really as I’ve had normal pregnancies (expect that one). I do have a theory but don’t know if it’s crazy or not but my 3 kids have all been conceived between the months of March to may (born Nov to Feb).and all other times I have conceived have been outside of this have ended. I know I will need to go to my doc (am in new Zealand and unsure if my doc will refer me for testing or a specialist as yet).should I start the process or see if my crazy theory could be correct? I have been reading a lot of other peoples comments and my period is pretty light but always really has been, so hard to know if that’s an issue. All my babies have been born by c section (just breech ).any advice would be appreciated greatly :)keely

    • rowanthefrog says:

      Hi Keely,

      I’m so sorry to hear about your losses. Honestly I can’t really think of a scientific reason why the month conceived would make a difference. I would go ahead and ask your doctor for the Recurrent Pregnancy Loss bloodwork panel (I’m not sure what the call it in NZ but they must have something like that.) That is a good starting point.Since your period is light it might be worth testing your uterine lining around day 9 of your cycle. I hope that helps. Please keep us posted.


  37. nula1 says:

    Thank you for posting this! I had a miscarriage after IVF and then on second round of IVF I had a chemical pregnancy. You said in an early post that the only way of knowing if you had chemical pregnancy is from a positive home test. This is not the case. Home tests will usually show negative if HCG is below 50. From 5 or above this counts as a chemical pregnancy. So people can be having chemicals regularly and not know unless they have blood tests.
    During my next cycle I’m going to try things like clexane for extra support at the advice of my fertility doctor. It had got to the point that I am grateful for my losses as it is better than the feeling of not conceiving every month for many years. Those who get pregnant naturally don’t realise how incredibly lucky they are -no matter the outcome! There is nothing worse than trying and failing for years, especially when ‘unexplained’ as there is nothing you can do. Although I’ve tried EVERY natural approach and otherwise. But in the end I think I need some for of extra support. Maybe all along I’ve been having chemical pregnancies without knowing. I have noted your protocol in case I need to try something different – thanks. My lining etc was always prefect but still no natural pregnancies. I just feel so much for those who’s body continually let’s them down – those that go through IVF again and again and don’t even get the taste of hope that a miscarriage might bring. Sounds strange ,but, really, I feel it’s much worse to have nothing every month. I know the feeling of this and despite the agony of miscarriage – it brings hope and the feeling that your body is at least trying! x

  38. emweddle says:

    Congrats!!! I’m so glad you found the right meds to help you conceive and you didn’t give up. I just had my first chemical pregnancy. My period was a 4 days late and when I tested there was a very faint line. Then about a week after my missed period AF showed up. I never had blood work done so I don’t know for sure that’s what it was. But I had a heavy flow accompanied by cramps which I never have and passed a huge clot. So was it a real CP??? Idk. I didn’t even tell my husband about it. I was waiting for a stronger line so I could be sure. Anyways thanks for being strong and sharing your story.

  39. F says:

    Hi! My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about 2 years now. I have never ever seen a positive pregnancy test. There were a few months where I could have sworn we were finally pregnant but pregnancy test after test turned up negative and then AF would show up. Those months, after ovulation, I had pregnancy symptoms such as sore breasts, fatigue, nausea etc. and just the feeling that I was pregnant. My period was strange too, I would get a severe headache and spotting the day before my period. I have never had that happen before we started trying. This month again I thought we were finally going to get lucky but last night the headache started and now I have spotting. I feel so devastated and helpless… Without any positive pregnancy tests, there isn’t a way for me to prove that something different was happening in my body. I don’t know if the embryos were implanting and then immediately letting go or if they didn’t even implant. I would have pregnancy symptoms and then about a week before my period, bam, the feelings just disappeared. I would just wake up knowing that I was no longer pregnant. I feel like I’m going crazy because I feel like people don’t believe me when I say that I felt pregnant. Like “oh you didn’t get a positive pregnancy test then you must not have been close, its all in your mind”, it makes me so angry and of course sad. So although I don’t have any proof, I will refer to those instances as chemical pregnancies.

    9/2014 After over a year of trying and going through a few chemical pregnancies, my husband and I met with a fertility specialist and decided to go directly to IVF for a few reasons: 1. I was going to turn 34 in a few months and with fertility getting worse each year I get older, I didn’t want to waste any more time 2. Turns out my husbands sperm has good motility and count but very low morphology. 3. IVF was covered by our insurance. So we started the process in November and and ended up having to freeze 19 embryos because I had hyperstimulation and it was too risky to do a fresh transfer with a situation like that. Then we ran into the holidays and so didn’t get to do a frozen transfer until January of this year. I was taking Estradiol along with estrogen patches to thicken the lining in preparation for the transfer. They did ultrasounds twice a week prior to the transfer to check the lining. A few days before the transfer, the lining was only at 8mm and so they upped my estradiol dosage and added another patch to the routine. They were surprised that the lining wasn’t as thick as they thought it would be with the meds. The lining was I believe around 10mm right before the transfer, the doctor felt it was adequate enough in order to continue with the transfer. After the transfer I felt the same symptoms as I had felt during the other times I thought I was pregnant. This time there was proof that an embryo was in fact inside of me. But like the other times, about a week after the transfer, I woke up one morning just knowing that it was done. The symptoms were gone and a blood test later in the month proved what I already knew. This was the worst, I got the results of the blood test a few days before my 34th bday. According to the doctor we had a 70% chance of getting pregnant based on my health, age etc and it didn’t happen. She suggested we go for round 2 of IVF immediately. WHY? What would be different in round 2? I didn’t want to keep pumping myself with drugs and keep trying only to get the same result. She said that she would double the dosage of the estradiol and the patches right from the beginning since my lining didn’t respond as much with the initial dosage. I didn’t care to hear any of it, I just wanted to know why I didn’t get pregnant naturally and why I had a 70% chance of success with IVF but still didn’t get pregnant, is it in fact just an issue with the lining? If that was the case then I didn’t need to go through IVF, I just needed to make sure and thicken the lining each month while we tried naturally. She couldn’t say for sure that that was the reason why the transfer failed. She wanted us to go through round 2 and see if doubling the dosage would help, if not, they would run further testing. I needed a break, I knew that I was spiraling into depression and that I needed to focus on myself before we try to conceive naturally or do more rounds of IVF. It took 2 months for my period to get back on track after the failed IVF. I started tracking ovulation and we started trying naturally again and here we are today. I could have taken the drugs to help thicken the lining during this time but I wasn’t confident that that was definitely the reason why we weren’t able to get pregnant. I thought maybe it was also because of stress or the morphology issue or maybe I needed to exercise etc. I hate the idea of pumping drugs into my body without really knowing if that is going to work so I worked on being healthier and happier hoping that was the key.

    I came across your blog this morning and felt like your situation was closest to my personal experience although I don’t have any children nor did I get any positive pregnancy tests ever. I had a hysteroscopy done before the IVF which confirmed that everything was fine with the uterus, tubes etc. I also had tons of blood tests to check for all sorts of stuff and they have all come back normal. I have always gotten my period each month on time and seem to be ovulating each month as well although I do have a mild case of PCOS. After reading your blog, I for some reason feel confident that your protocol will help me as well. Trust me I have gone through a lot of blogs, communities, articles etc. and I never felt like their issue was similar to mine. I just set up an appointment for tomorrow to talk to my doctor about the protocol.

    I appreciate you sharing your journey and am sure that it will help a lot of people maybe including me (fingers crossed).

    • ney23 says:

      Hi F, any update on your progress? Did this protocol work for you? Just reading through everyone’s responses and trying to stay positive…

  40. Sheri says:


    I just want to say thank you again for your blog and sharing it with the world (at least world of us unfortunate people who find ourselves here after Google) . Many have said it before, but it can’t be said enough, your journey has brought some hope back into my heart as I sit here waiting for my OB to call confirming my 3rd chemical pregnancy in 6 months. I too have had all of these losses before 5 weeks and have never got to the point of a heartbeat or even seeing our baby. We are very fortunate that the new OB we have been seeing since the 2nd one is so great (first one was not so great or helpful or caring etc). He is sending us to an infertility specialist once these results come back. I have read a lot of good things about femera, and your entire protocol seems to look wonderful. Of course I will follow the specialists instructions, but now I will be armed with questions and info when I see him, and that makes me feel so much better and in control.

    Again, your story has given so much hope, and I hope that my husband and I will be following in your family-starting footsteps soon!

  41. Benedicta says:

    I have just gone through my 4th chemical pregnancy. I am so worried. I don’t know what to do. I always get a positive pregnancy test. Then it is lost before 8wks of pregnancy. I am so worried and depressed. I am not so young anymore and would so much want to hold another baby in my arms. I have a son who is 6 years old. Please who has any helpful advice for me?

  42. nattylove11 says:

    Thank you so much for all of this information! I recently had a chemical pregnancy at 5 weeks. I had an ectopic pregnancy nine months before that. (The tube ruptured but was not removed and an HSG test showed that both of my tubes are open).
    I have a feeling that I have had more chemical pregnancies while trying to conceive this past 6 months, but just didn’t know about it because I didn’t test. There were several times that I “felt” pregnant (tender breasts etc), but wound up getting my period.
    After reading your blog, I feel that a thin uterine lining may be the issue. An OB once told me that my uterus is slightly tilted and I just learned today that a tilted uterus can cause less blood flow to the area, resulting in thin uterine lining. Just another piece of info in case any other women have been told they have a tilted uterus.
    My husband and I will meet with a fertility specialist in a month (we’re going away) and I can’t wait to bring up all of this info that you’ve supplied. Such a relief! And SO wonderful to hear of your happy ending and know that you have three wonderful sons!! It gives me such hope!

  43. lisalisalisa says:

    Hi there! My story is so very similar to yours. I’ve had 4 chemical pregnancies in 5 cycles of trying. Main difference for me – I have long cycles (35 days), and a high number of follicles (about 30 between both ovaries). Dr says I am “pre-PCOS.” Did you have a high number of follies?

    Doc is starting me on your regimen next cycle, minus the estrace. I’ll be doing Letrozole + an Ovidrel shot. They are pushing me hard to do an IUI which I think is silly given how easily I get pregnant.

    Anyway, thank you for posting your story. I’ve read it maybe 100 times over the past 6 months, and it gives me hope 🙂

    • ney23 says:

      Hi Lisa, I am curious to hear an update? I’ve also been on here for months and just checking in to see if anyone succeeded with this protocol…thx =)

  44. Laura says:

    So glad I have come across your blog. I have just had my second chemical pregnancy. I have a beautiful 8 year old from a previous relationship. She was a happy surprise when I was only 19. Now I’m nearly 28 and married .. TTC has become a heartbreaking, emotional rollercoaster. I came of BC in December. We got our first bfp in Feb .. Followed by another 4 digitals “just to make sure” … At 5w6d I started to bleed .. Went to a+e .. Doctor tested urine and bloods and cruelly told me that I was never pregnant. My family doctor explained to me it was a CP. That I “had form” after having my daughter and there was no reason it would happen again.

    6 months of opks, temping, thinking I’m pregnant, AF arrives (very light and only for 2-4 days) and I stress, cry, be a b**CH. I finally last Thursday got our long awaited bfp. 5w2d this time I started to bleed. Went to epu .. Scanned and seen a small sac which looked promising. Again bloods and urine came back negative and midwife told me I’ve lost this pregnancy too.

    I have an appointment tomorrow with my gp. Have you any tips on what I could ask? I also had a colposcopy last year to remove stage 2 pre cancerous cells. I can’t help thinking that this has affected me. My doctor dismissed it after my first CP.

    Thanks for reading 🙂 x

  45. Megan says:

    I wanted to say that you have given me hope. I have had 6 chemical pregnancies in a row in the past year trying for our last baby. I actually started on almost your exact regimen because I thought my lining was insufficient. However, I didn’t do the extra booster shot (only one trigger for ovulation), and I am on Estrace starting 3 days after ovulation. I am now pregnant again, waiting to see it out of chemical range (first beta was 3.6 at 10 DPO, unfortunately doctor had me stop all meds telling me It was a lost cause, 3 days later no AF so I took an HPT and faint positive, got back on meds immediately and HCG was 44 at 13 DPO, at 16 DPO it was 137.5, no more blood draws until next week). I am praying it worked and your story and successes have given me some hope on this! It is pregnancy #18 for me (I have 5 healthy babies through those). Thank you!

  46. heather says:

    Did they put you on progesterone in addition to the letrozole and prgnyl? I am approaching my doctor about using this protocol, but he is trying to put me on progesterone – which I don’t think I need. Thanks!

    • rowanthefrog says:

      Hi Heather, yes I started progesterone at 5 days past ovulation. Pretty much all docs will add that on.

      • heather says:

        Thank you. I just wanted to double check. He wanted to only give me progesterone, but I don’t think that will help alone. Thank you so much for this wonderful resource. I don’t know what I would have done without your blog.

      • rowanthefrog says:

        You are sweet to say that! I hope your next pregnancy brings a sweet baby into your arms.


  47. J. says:

    Hi, Thank you for your blog. I am going through my first and in search of hope and answers in a time where it seems there are few of each, so thank you for providing a bit of both. My question for you is this; while I know you are not a doctor, do you have any thoughts about why this protocol worked? I noticed you had tried estrogen + progesterone previously and it was not successful. The current protocol appears to add in medication to help you with ovulation but it appears, that was not your issue. Likewise, I think I am having a light lining issue after transitioning off of depo and want to approach my doctor this is but have a feeling she will not recommend all of it.

  48. J. says:

    I forgot to select notify when you reply 🙂

  49. MB says:

    Thank you SO much for sharing this. I was doing research for a friend who is going through the exact same thing. It gives A LOT of hope knowing that others have gone through this and to see the good news at the end of the tunnel is amazing!!

  50. Stephanie says:

    Hi, I have 3 perfect little boys that came from 3 perfect pregnancies. 4 years later, we decided we’d try one more time, and have since had 2 chemical pregnancies, and I’m currently waiting to start bleeding with the 3rd. My progesterone was great at 4w1d, but my beta was only 31, then dropped to 19 yesterday (4w4d). So this will be 3 CP’s in 3 months. My dr says he’s not worried, and sees no reason to do any testing. I’m completely devastated and emotionally drained, as I’m still feeling pregnancy symptoms, but just waiting to lose this one. I was put on progesterone supplements this last time (200mg prometrium daily). My dr has now told us to wait 2-3 cycles to try again, which of course I’ll do, but is there anything else I should be doing to help prevent this? I’m 32, and in good health.

  51. Sophie says:

    I just wanted to share my story if it could help some of you ladies. I lost a total of 7 pregnancies and was desperate to know what was the problem. I had a first baby with no problems and then 3 years later all those losses (I was only 28 years old). Several doctors ran all the tests you can imagine and were unable to find ANYTHING. I was devastated (although I was lucky enough to already have one child). Turned out it was a progesterone problem. But here is the thing : my progesterone levels WERE tested and the doctor told me no problem there. Well after seeing 3 different doctors, I had to pay 600$ to see an excellent RE who finally told me it was the only thing that could possibly be wrong with me (again, I was tested a few months before that and my levels were supposedly fine).

    So I got on progesterone and got pregnant within 2 months with a text book pregnancy. My beautiful baby girl was born and we decided to start trying 9 months after that. Did not take progesterone : got pregnant ad lost the pregnancy (5 weeks if that). Started on progesterone the month after, got pregnant with another beautiful baby girl! And guess who is again on progesterone and just so a tiny heartbeat 2 weeks ago at my early ultrasound??? Yep pregnant again with my 4th baby! Interestingly enough I wasn’t even trying to get pregnant this time. I had a hormonal saliva test done (more reliable) and it came back as low progesterone so I just took some natural progesterone cream to regulate my levels and I got pregnant that month!!!! (I have a 7 months old so that was definitely a surprise!).

    Anyway, I just wanted to give all of you some hope. If all you tests are normal you may want to give progesterone suppositories a try. According to my doctor it is a very common problem nowadays (estrogen dominance, low progesterone). It surely did the trick for me when noting else did!

    I wish all of you ladies the best!

  52. Anna @ To Make a Mommy says:

    Thank you again for your story! It took effort to share it, and it is so helpful!

  53. […] recurrent question that I see is how did I solve this horrible sadness? I detail my full protocol here. Take it to your doctor, ask if they are willing to give it a try. The best thing was that it was […]

  54. Hi, I just wanted to thank you for writing this blog. I have just experienced my third chemical pregnancy in 5 months and this gives me hope. Xxx Louise

  55. Happiness says:

    Hi all, i have just come across your blog and my heart goes out to all of you that have had to endure m/c. I have just had 2 m/c back to back in 4 months and fearing the very worse that i will never be able to have a baby.

    My husband and I decided to start trying in July this year and fell pregnant straight away on my 35th birthday. I felt ecstatic and over the moon and sighed relief that it had been so easy to conceive on our first try. At 5.5 weeks pregnant i had cramping – i told my doctors and was told this was normal and not to be concerned. As my pregnancy progressed i had no morning sickness which i thought was odd, however again was told this can be normal. I also kept testing positive on pregnancy tests all the way through and no bleeding. Here in the UK you only get scanned at 12 weeks. At my 12 weeks scan i was told that i had lost the baby at the 6 weeks mark and i had what is known as a missed miscarriage. I was devastated, 12weeks of walking around being excited planning an April birth all gone. I also felt stupid for not being more demanding with the doctors and going for an early scan as in my heart i knew something wasn’t right. I had an SMM at this point.

    Being told that miscarriage is common and not to worry my husband and I TTC and i fell pregnant again straight away. I had two positive tests at 4 weeks pregnant. I had very light cramping all that week from 3.6weeks to 4.4weeks however i then took another pregnancy test at 5 week and it was negative. I started to bleed another week later. I had another m/c or chemical pregnancy and again i was devastated (or should i say devastated as only just finishing bleeding now).

    So here i am at the start of my journey of TTC after two early m/c. I have booked in to see a leading OB here in the UK but appointments are slow and only in January (another 6 weeks to wait). In the mean time my NHS doctor is going to take my blood and send me to have a scan to check my uterus and lining.

    I would like to try again straightaway, however i am scared in case i fail again – it’s just heartbreaking. I feel overwhelmed by all of the information on here – not in a bad way (as it’s really amazing that everyone has contributed), however just not sure what to do in the meantime while i wait for an appointment.

    I would like to start taking proestrogen, baby aspirin (is this just normal aspirin?) and B12 as i keep on reading on here success stories before i TTC again, however not sure how to get it/ or indeed if wise to self medicate. Is this something i can ask for easily from UK doctors – having just been to see the NHS doctor i think he will turn me away.

    Also i see lots of people testing HCg levels – can you buy over the counter kits for this? Its so difficult to see the doctors here i doubt the next time i conceive i could see a doctor in time to get any levels checked.

    Anyhow i realise that my post may be late, being many years after this blog started, but was hoping to here any advise/success stories to help me through this difficult time?

    Thank you to the lady who stated this blog and shared her story


  56. Emily says:


    Question did you have d&cs after your losses or miscarry naturally? I am facing my 4th loss (1 healthy baby) and concerned about which to do at this point.


  57. Michelle says:

    Hi, I’m not sure if this board is checked regularly but any help would be welcome. I don’t even know what to do anymore. I’ve been TTC my second child and have ended up only with chemicals (about 8 or maybe more I lost count honestly) and 2 ectopic. I have had genetic testing done and everything came back ok. I wonder if the lining could be the issue. My losses are always around 5 weeks or a little before. Any suggestions are welcome. I had 6 IUIs with 5 chemicals. My insurance is changing soon and I’m going to lose my fertility coverage. Is there anything I can do with my regular gyn to help? Is there hope? Thank you for this page I haven’t found anyone else with this issue…

  58. solymar says:

    So much appreciate your blog and this page summing up what you did. I read the page and then brought this protocol and Dr. Lessey’s name up with my RE at my next visit after having 3 chemical pregnancies in a row. The newest Dr. there worked with him in South Carolina. She’s the first author on their retrospective study paper suggesting additional HCG after ovulation may support early pregnancy if the corpus luteum is failing early for some reason. There has not been a clinical trial on this so it’s still not conclusive, but I can add another positive story onto it, at least so far in this early pregnancy.

    Backstory, I ovulate on my own after doing 5 days of Letrazole from days 3/5-7/9, have not had lining issues ever, always needed climid or letrozole to ovulated but when left to ovulate on my own, which is generally CD15-19, I get pregnant. I have 2 healthy girls at home, one son that died a month after he was born, so 3 pregnancies in a row that I only needed to get a little helps with. Trying a 3rd living child, I had to stop running (I have low BMI) and had to take letrozole again. 3 cycles in a row this way I got pregnant, only to loose them around 5 weeks. The 3rd one I started using progesterone suppositories starting 24hrs after my LH surge but still lost the pregnancy. HCG levels were between 10-60 and never really going up 48hrs later between those 3.

    This time we added the HCG shot, all because of your blog! And so far, this time, my HCG was 500 on 15DPO and 1300 on 17DPO! Kind of scared of twins but we’ll see on the ultrasound. I know you can’t read too much into HCG levels and there may still be HCG in my system from the shot. It would be going down though, not up, so for sure its a good pregnancy at this point – in every way we can test! So thanks again for sharing your story!

  59. Cinthya says:

    Question : witch OPK did you use to track the day you need it to do the trigger shot?
    (Since, for example, clear blue digital has the circle, ” flash smile face” and pick LH with the stiff smile face and checks for estrogen and LH surge)
    I I’m trying to see the timing appropriate for the trigger shot.

    Thank you!!!!!

  60. Sarah Hansen says:

    I’m going to take this protocol to my dr and try to get him to use it in me- but what hormones did you take after conceived? Did you continue estrogen or progesterone into the pregnancy? Thanks …

  61. How does adding the estrace work? I thought that suppresses ovulation?

  62. Ashleigh says:

    Wow! This blog post has given me hope. I have had 5CP. My husband and I are ready to give up on trying for baby #3. My RE was even stumped. I’m going to talk to him about Dr. L’s process and see if it works for me. Thank you thank you thank you!!!

  63. Georgie says:

    Wow, I’ve googled so many times and can’t believe just now reading this blog. I am going through my 5th CP and one missed m/c at 7 weeks with trisomy 13.. the one I was able to test brought me in a small way some comfort that it’s chromosomal but at the same time can’t believe so many in a row.. I have one healthy 3 yr old that was conceived first try.. I am now getting ready to r/o autoimmune/alloimmune tests in case we decide ivf.. like you, I also feel why jump to ivf if my body could be rejecting.: thank you very much for blogging about this as I now see there are many others in the same boat.. your story gives hope to those who believe there has to be a reason and that nothing is just unexplained.

    • ALNJS says:

      I am so happy to have found this blog! I am 26 and just had my 2nd chemical pregnancy (one at almost 5 weeks and one at just under 4 weeks) in 3 months. Clearly we are fertile if we are pregnant 2x in 3 months, but both pregnancies were lost very early on. After reading here I feel lucky that my OB went ahead and ordered the big (11 vial) recurrent miscarriage bloodwork. I’m just at a loss of what could be causing this. I should get my bloodwork results this coming week, but just looking for any insight. Thanks in advance!

  64. Michelle Sison says:

    Thank you for giving me hope. I am currently experiencing chemical pregnancy ( I am 5 weeks based on LMP). I took clomiphene fo this cycle. If my OB would give me a go to proceed to ttc, I would suggest your protocol. I pray that this will also work for me.

  65. Jen says:

    Did you trigger on your own or were you monitored?

  66. Ali says:


    Your story resonates so much with my as I have now had 3 miscarriages in 8 months. Pregnant right after my wedding and then miscarried at 9 weeks. Then got pregnant about 3 months later and had a chemical and then another chemical last week.

    Who was your fertility doctor? I am struggling to find one that I trust.

    Thanks so much!


  67. Samaira says:


    Just wondering if you are still active on this blog as I’m having similar issues to yourself and wanted to ask a few questions. Would appreciate some advice.

    Kind regards


  68. Ksenia Popov says:

    Just wanted to say thank you to the author of this blog! I know it was written a long time ago but it is still helping people get their miracle babies today 🙂 I had 4 miscarriages, 3 of which were chemicals in 2020 and then stumbled upon this blog. My RE didn’t know how else to help me and agreed to try this protocol. I got pregnant and finally stayed pregnant and my baby was born July 30 of this year and is now 3 months old.
    I hope people with recurrent chemicals stumble upon this blog and give this protocol a try. It works!!

    Thanks again 🙂

    • rowanthefrog says:

      Hi Ksenia, congratulations!!! I am so, so happy to hear that you had your rainbow baby 🙂 Get this, my first rainbow baby was ALSO born on July 30!! 🙂 He’s 13 now (whoa.) I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to hear that you had success. Snuggle that sweet baby, it goes fast! – A

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